Fire & Life Saftey

No high-rise building is safe and secure without a fully-compliant, properly-implemented fire/life safety program in place. Mulligan Security has a professional team of retired high-ranking members of the FDNY. These officers oversee, develop and conduct all training and drills, and ensure that the proper documentation is maintained, submitted, and approved. Mulligan offers the most complete fire life safety program your facility or high-rise building will ever need.

Since 1973, New York City’s Local Law 5 has required high-rises and other heavily-populated buildings to develop fire safety plans, conduct fire drills, designate tenants for specific roles in the case of an emergency, and keep records of these activities. After the events of September 11, 2001, New York City passed and implemented Local Law 26, which mandates similar requirements for non-fire related emergencies such as:

  • Acts of Terrorism
  • Explosives and Explosions
  • Bomb Threats and Suspicious
  • Packages
  • Civil Disturbances
  • Severe Weather
  • Utility Failures and Emergencies
  • Criminal Acts
  • Emotionally Disturbed Person (EDP)
  • Attacks using Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
  • Nuclear (Dirty Bomb)
  • Biological Threats, Occurrences and Exposure
  • Chemical Threats, Occurrences and Exposure
  • Radiological Threats, Occurrences and Exposure

Fire & Life Safety Director


Working to Secure Your Company’s Safety

New York City law mandates that office buildings and hotels of at least a certain size and occupancy are required to have a Fire Safety Director on the premises at all times when the building is occupied. Fire Safety Directors are building employees that are trained and certified by the FDNY to implement the building’s Fire Safety Plan in the event of an emergency. They also have a number of additional responsibilities, including:

  • Responding directly to emergency situations.
  • Acting as a liaison between building personnel and the FDNY in the event of an emergency.
  • Directing evacuation during fire or emergency.
  • Assisting all emergency service personnel entering the building on official business and reporting details to Mulligan as soon as practical.
  • Assisting building operations personnel during emergencies.
  • Administering CPR/AED and basic first aid when necessary.
  • Recognizing unusual conditions and generating required reports/notifications to follow-up with the client, Mulligan, and/or building operations personnel.
  • Supervising and training the Fire Brigade, Floor Wardens, Deputy Floor Wardens, and Building Evacuation Supervisors.
  • Maintaining records and logs as required by law.
  • Performing inspections.
  • Conducting, supervising, and evaluating fire and emergency drills.

All Fire Safety Directors must have a Certificate of Fitness from the FDNY, which requires applicants be of a certain age, have applicable experience, complete a course, pass a written exam, and pass an on-site exam at each building for which the applicant wishes to be Fire Safety Director.

In order to maintain 24/7 coverage, most high rises and hotels also have one or more Deputy Fire Safety Directors. The Deputy’s primary role is to function as the Fire Safety Director at times when the Fire Safety Director is absent. The Deputy also must be able to perform duties during fires and emergencies as directed by the Fire Safety Director.

Fire Guard Requirement

Fire Guards (F-01) Requirements

Mulligan Security policy requires all employees maintain a Certificate of Fitness for Citywide Fire Guard for Impairment also known as an (F-01). This requirement allows Mulligan Security Corp. to provide fire safety services to its clients, which then provides Mulligan Security Corp. employees with opportunities for additional revenue. As a prospective employee, you must obtain this (F-01) Fire Guard license prior to being hired. If you already possess an (F-01), please provide the original so that we may copy it for your file and our records. Providing all other conditions of employment have been satisfied and a position is available, you may be hired.